The construction of a state-of-the art kitchen in this 1901 Beaux Arts National Historic Landmark Building.
New York Yacht Club
New York
The construction of a state-of-the art kitchen in this 1901 Beaux Arts National Historic Landmark Building.
Racquet and Tennis Club
New York
A total upper façade restoration and reconstruction of this 200 x 100 foot 1918 National Historic Registry Italian Renaissance building designed by Charles Follen White, (McKim Meade & White)
Cosmopolitan Club
The renovation of the exclusive women's club, "for the benefit of New York women interested in the arts, sciences, education, literature, and philanthropy or in sympathy with those interested." Designed by Thomas Ellett in 1909 and awarded the Gold Medal for design by the Architectural League of New York..
photo: Tom Ligamari
photo: Tom Ligamari